The A-List is the loyalty and rewards program created to make sure we treat our most loyal customers to the best offers, promotions, sales and rewards.
Yes it is free to become an A-List Member.
You need to create an account. You can do so by clicking "JOIN" at the top of this page or by creating an account.
There can only be one account linked to an email address so you most likely already have an Australis account.
You can log in instead, or try resetting your password to gain access to your A-List account.
If you believe you don't previously have an Australis account but you can't sign up with your email address, please submit a contact form to customer service and we'll be happy to help you.
Then you've automatically been enrolled in The A-List! Just log in HERE. Come back to this page you can see what tier you're in and start earning Store Credits
For sure! As long as you set up your account with the same email address you made the purchases with, anything from the last 12 months contributes to your A-List tier.
Our tiers are written under "THE A-LIST TREATMENT"
Depending on how much you spend with us, you'll be put into different tiers. The more you've spent, the better the rewards!
We have 4 tiers.
- 1. GA - open to all customers
- 2. Front Row - for customers who spend over $150
- 3. VIP - for customers to spend over $300
- 4. Backstage Pass - for customers who spend over $500
You’ll automatically be moved into the next level in accordance with your 12 month spend.
Your current spend over the last 12 months is reviewed on a daily basis. Current spend updates after orders have been processed and shipped!
Once you achieve a level, you’ll hold it for 12 months, unless you spend enough to upgrade to the next level.
Not with the A-List! We wanted to make it super easy and remove the confusing points system.
Your rewards will be either Store Credit (cold hard Australis cash), free gifts, product discounts, free shipping etc.
You won't have to redeem points for rewards, it will be automatically added to your Australis account.
Yeah there are a few fun ways you can earn more credits, take a look under the heading "YOU DESERVE A LITTLE TREAT" to see what's available, these will change over time, so keep an eye on what little treats you can grab.
You can view your available credit
in your account. You can also access your account via the 3 lines next to the cart icon on desktop, or if you're on mobile, the account option on the bottom menu.
If you are not receiving emails, you may have been unsubscribed from our database or have an incorrect email address recorded in our system. Simply
submit a contact form to our customer service team to help update your details.
Not currently, you can only earn and redeem rewards via shopping online here.
Yes absolutely. Please
submit a contact form to our customer service team with same email as your account and we will delete your account and any details and data associated with it.
No problems, please
submit a contact form to our customer service team with any other questions and we'll be happy to answer them!